Disaster struck in the Bay of Biscay, when a gale separated the barge, the Cleopatra, from its mother ship, the Olga. In their attempt to secure the barge to the Olga, a number of seamen were lost, and the barge was finally set adrift. Coming upon it on the high seas, a Glasgow steamer towed it into port. In January 1878, the Cleopatra was finally pulled up the Thames and moored near the Houses of Parliament. Eight months later, on September 13th, its precious cargo was raised on the Victoria Embankment, where it may be seen today.
Location: Victoria Embankment, London, England
Pharaoh: Tuthmosis III (reigned 1504-1450 B.C.)
Height: 69 feet
Weight: 187 tons
Location: Victoria Embankment, London, England
Pharaoh: Tuthmosis III (reigned 1504-1450 B.C.)
Height: 69 feet
Weight: 187 tons
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